
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Episode 10 - From Male Dancer to MMA Godfather - the TJ Thompson Story
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
TJ Thompson is the Godfather of Mixed Martial Arts in Hawaii, so when he comes to talk to hosts Attorney Marcus Landsberg and Mom/Model Naomi Cooper Christensen about his peaks and valleys, we immediately ask him about his experience dancer for dollars through Chippendale’s and Playgirl magazine. He tells us how he drove through the bread basket of America, taking his clothes off for money. He shares about 90's Oahu by discussing Fast Eddie’s in Kailua, Gussie L’amour’s, Superbrawl and IconSport.
In the shadow of the early days of UFC fights, when two tough guys pounded each other for minimal profit, TJ started promoting massive cards. TJ went from losing one hundred thousand dollars in the fight game, to selling out fifty-seven straight shows and selling his company for Six-point-two million dollars - and how that money was all gone in two months. Strap in for the ride that is From Male Dancer to MMA Godfather - the TJ Thompson Story

Monday Apr 06, 2020
Episode 9 - Downstage HNL - Theater goes underground with Aaron Pughes
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Aaron Pughes is a founder and partner at Downstage Honolulu, a new theatre opening in Honolulu, Hawaii’s Chinatown across from Little Village. Aaron brings his relaxed slow burn sense of humor to the Aloha Friday Podcast studio as he offers what improv has brought into his life and what he’s learned from teaching it. Hosts Naomi Cooper-Christiansen and Marcus Landsberg get Aaron to explore a little bit of underground history of the Honolulu theatre scene. As he discusses the current plans for the theatre/bar/podcast/classroom Naomi Cooper-Christensen probes deeper about Aaron’s journey as an Improv actor, starting with Laughtrack theatre. He he also shares the planning that went into the design of the new theater and how he became an improv comedy teacher. We close with a special offer for a discount for classes for listeners of the Aloha Friday Podcast.
Downstage Honolulu Theater: https://www.facebook.com/downstageHNL/
Mr Aaron Presents: https://www.yelp.com/biz/mr-aaron-presents-honolulu
Improv in Paradise classes: https://improvinparadise.com
Thin Fast Improv: http://thinkfastimprov.com

Friday Apr 03, 2020
Episode 8 - Jose Dynamite Hawaii comedian cracks us up
Friday Apr 03, 2020
Friday Apr 03, 2020
Local Hawaii Comedian Jose Dynamite talks about how COVID19 has changed his life. He discusses with co-hosts Marcus Landsberg and Naomi Cooper-Christensen how much the lack of sports has influenced his daily life. He makes a timely Kathy Kealoha joke. Jose lets us know the top three moments of his comedy career. Including interactions with Augie T, Eddie Griffin, and other comedians in the local community.
This is the hardest we’ve laughed since this show started. We hear what he learned from Multi-level marketing. And Jose Dynamite closes by calling out other comedians to be on our show. In this hour long conversion we learn why Jose Dynamite is the exemplar of a professional comedian
Comedy U: http://www.comedyuhawaii.com
Aloha Comedy Festival: https://www.alohacomedyfestival.com
1st Comedy CD: https://www.amazon.com/Something-Smells-Funny-Jose-Dynamite/dp/B01BCUPUY2
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/josedynamite/?hl=en for hot memes.

Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Episode 7 - Stalking Fernando The Love Machine
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Stalking is a serious problem. Fernando Pacheco is a man of many gigs. He’s one of the performers in the local ska/punk band “No Villains Left”. Fernando “The Love Machine is a long time Radio DJ you would know as the voice of KPOI. He also runs 808 Green Thumbs, a gardening group. He MCs at a local Luau. He parlayed that into becoming the chair for the Mayor’s Office of Culture and the Arts. We open with our new feature, the “Portuguese Culture Minute” where Fernando shares an interesting fact about Portuguese history. Mom/Model Naomi Cooper Christensen then explains how she originally became friends with Attorney Marcus Landsberg. But all this is just prelude for Fernando explaining what it’s like to be a victim of stalking. He talks about how a fan became a friend, and then expected that she was more than a friend, including messaging other acquaintances he knew and finding out where he would be and showing up. Listen to how it affected him, how he figured out who it was, and how he finally made the problem end.
Personal website: https://fernandothelovemachine.com
808 greenthumbs: https://www.facebook.com/groups/808greenthumbs/
No Villains Left: https://novillainsleft.com
Mayor’s Office of Culture and the Arts: http://www.honolulu.gov/moca.html

Monday Mar 30, 2020
Episode 6 - What pick-up line hooked Naomi?
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020
In response to the question “How would an ordinary guy approach a model” Mom/Model Naomi Cooper Christensen talks about her life coming up as a model, the difference between types of models, and how young women look at men of the world. In this conversation with co-host Marcus Landsberg she answers what attracts her to different men. Is it because he has money? Is there a certain attitude to have? What it was like to be on Wild Wahine Wednesday? She also talks about the least attractive quality some men have. Listen to what she says men should say and do on the initial approach to the most beautiful woman in the room. Do you agree?

Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Episode 5 - Honolulu Shelter in Place frustration for young kids
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Father/Lawyer Marcus Landsberg and Mom/Model Naomi Cooper Christensen discuss their frustrations in Honolulu, Hawaii with the Stay at Home/Shelter in Place order. Marcus voices his frustrations for his children as Naomi discusses solutions and the walls start to close in from the COVID19 Coronavirus. The effects on families with young children under ten is the main concern. Marcus questions who was in the room when this order was written and discusses the four tools police officers have in any situation. As the conversation progresses we move past complaints and emphasize finding solutions and propose a few solutions as well. Please let us know if you agree, or if you have your own, better idea!

Friday Mar 27, 2020
Episode 4 - Rhonda the healing mind engineer
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Rhonda the Qi-Ninja opens Marcus Landsberg’s eyes about Acupuncture, naturopathic healing and her time studying in China. Naomi Cooper Christensen helps transmit the most basic lesson in how Qi affects the body and acupuncture can affect a person’s emotions and body well-being and what it means to be a natural born empath. By the end all three are growling and singing.

Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Episode 3 - Keikilani Grune on producing her own movie in Hawaii
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Keikilani Grune is a multitalented model and actress who has been featured in print work, TV and movies. She joins mom/model Naomi Cooper Christensen and Lawyer Marcus Landsberg to discuss her experiences in filmmaking. While most recently being featured on Hawaii 5-0, she decided to take a crack at writing, producing and starring in her own movie. Hear what she's learned from the moviemaking hustle, creator considerations in refining a product, and mistakes that inform moving forward.

Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Episode 2 - Vanessa Hudgens and Honolulu Covid19 Thoughts
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Marcus Landsberg and Naomi Cooper Christensen listen to Vanessa Hudgens on the COVID19 Novel Corona virus. Using her thoughts as a springboard they wrestle with what they sacrifice for their families' safety. The Discussion jumps quickly to all the different information we've learned, thoughts on the virus and when it will be too late for Hawaii to course correct if the Virus is as bad as feared. None of our podcasts are complete without triage decisions and compare these decisions to dating.

Saturday Mar 21, 2020
Episode 1 - Would you spank a child?
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
Marcus Landsberg and Naomi Cooper Christensen welcome Justin Sturdivant to the Show. Justin is a lawyer with a thriving Family Law practice, but on this show we discuss an issue important to all of us - would you spank a child? Join Marcus, Naomi and Justin as they use their own life experiences to reflect upon how they view corporal punishment - and their outlook on it might not be what you expect.